Short List of Selected Publications

Selected Books:

Knitting as a Spiritual Path. Chicago, ACTA, 2022. (Nominated for a National Catholic Book Award)

Three Seasonal Books of Reflection. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press.

            Rejoice and Be Glad: Daily Reflections for Easter to Pentecost, 2022

             Not By Bread Alone: Daily Reflections for Lent, 2023

            Waiting in Joyful Hope: Daily Reflections for Advent/Christmas, 2023-24

In the Mystery’s Shadow: Reflections on Caring for the Elderly and Dying. Chicago, Liturgical Press, 2019. (Winner, National Catholic Book Awards, First Place in Parish Life)

A Season of Little Sacraments: Christmas Commotion, Advent Grace. Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2016.

Books, Bluster, and Bounty: Local Politics and Intermountain West Carnegie Library BuildingGrants, 1898-1920.  Logan, UT: Utah State University Press, 2012. (Winner, Idaho State Library Association’s Idaho Book of the Year Award).

My Best Teachers Were Saints: What Every Educator Can Learn from the Heroes of the Church. Chicago: Loyola Press, 2006.

Home Mountains: Reflections from a Western Middle Age. Pullman, WA: Washington State University Press, 2000.

Selected Articles and Essays:

“Rereading ‘Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night,’” Limberlost Review. Forthcoming in 2023.

“A Hands-On Retirement.” St. Anthony Messenger, Dec. 2022-Jan. 2023.

“Hidden Blessings of the Pandemic.” St. Anthony Messenger, Feb. 2022.

“Look Wider Still: The Subversive Nature of Girl Scouting in the 1950s.” Frontiers: A Journal of Women Studies. 2016.

“My Sweet Poky Home.” Journal of the West, Summer 2015.

“Of Raspberries and Religion.” Gastronomica, Summer 2012.

“Taking Anna to Italy” and “Radha’s Shrink.” New Works Review (Featured writer for this issue), 2008.

“Why Food Matters.” Idaho Humanities, Spring 2006.

“Rocky Mountain Foodways.” Chapter in The Rocky Mountain Region (Regional Guides Series), Ed. Rick Newby.  Providence, RI: Greenwood Press, 2004.

“Battle for the Books,” Nevada Magazine, 2003.

“Fledgies,” Black Canyon Quarterly, 2002.

“Tierra Wools: Tradition, Community, and Identity in Northern New Mexico.” Handwoven, 1999.

“On Entering the Eastern Idaho State Fair,” In Where the Morning Light’s Still Blue: Personal Essays About Idaho. Moscow, ID: University of Idaho Press, 1994.  Originally published in Gourmet Magazine, 1988.

“The Main Coast,” Lead travel article, Gourmet Magazine, 1994.

“Summer Meals from the Farmers Market,” Walking, 1994.

“The Adirondacks,” Lead travel article, Gourmet Magazine, 1993.

“Dining Alone: A Solitary Sport.” Gourmet Magazine, 1991.

“Going All the Way,” Mademoiselle, 1980.