I’m delighted to announce that on September 8, which by coincidence the Catholic church considers to be the Virgin Mary’s birthday, my new book informed by of Marian Renaissance art and reflection will be released. This is the culmination of 20 years of imagining and carrying the idea with me as I lived through successive stages of life, from the blow of early widowhood in 2002, to learning (ever so slowly) to make peace with a new life and growing as a teacher and writer, to the present, when writing has become my main work in retirement and I’ve found considerable success and a wonderful partner in Liturgical Press. .
Titled “Everyday Annunciations: On Learning to Say Yes,” it’s proved the most difficult–and ultimately satisfying–thing I’ve ever written, blending spiritual autobiography; consideration of Mary’s annunciation by scholars, theologians, artists, etc; scholars’ work on grieving and regrouping after shock and loss; the stories of many others; a survey of what saying “yes” might look like in stages of life from young adulthood to old age and approaching death; art historical background; and wisdom/guidance from modern Catholic writers including Thomas Merton and Henri Nouwen. Ultimately it affirms a course of ACTIVE acceptance of non-negotiable “detours” in life, offering guidelines for thoughtful, faithful, courageous discernment and creative reinvention when everything changes.
I wish I’d known all this back in 2002, when I thought my life was over and could not see any way forward that I conceivably wanted to embrace. I’m offering this book to you in hopes that it eases your path, and welcome your questions and correspondence regarding your own difficult “calling” to a way of life you hadn’t imagined, or the upheavals and struggles of those you love who are struggling to find faith and hope in the midst of change.